Monday, December 26, 2016

Navinale Delhi said, "why sanctions that were imposed Nepali youths are questioning '

December 12, 2073- various political parties of Nepal and India, the relationship between the young leaders of the two countries to strengthen the relationship and how effective that has been discussed.
Nepalese Embassy in New Delhi, the meeting hall of various political parties of the two countries in relation to a student organization leaders were present.
The program voldai Nepal Students' Union President Nainshigh maharale long-term relationship between Nepal and India typically not discussed any further extending the subject said. Nepal's objective to provide information in real conditions during meetings with leaders of India's youth, including information provided started. Maharale Nepal prosperous and stable unless the political left for India and China as both affect the handover to think.
UML Chairman of the All Nepal National Free Student union Nabin Lama's interest in Nepal's internal politics as unnecessary, saying India should not interfere in Nepal, India said. Young leaders from India after the issuance of the Constitution of India in Nepal Nepali youths trying to answer the question of why she blockade. "Last year, Nepal's new constitution which imposed sanctions after India, we want the answer." India and Nepal over the past 70 years have helped too, even amid her. Lama Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Nepal to see the policy and a change in outlook, citing the Indian youth leaders paraded attention.
New Power Party youth leader subhuman Bhattarai of Nepal diplomat speaking to grab the attention of economic policy. He Nepali students and other workers in India to solve the very problems it faced, saying that she asked the Indian student leaders. Terai Madhesi Democratic Party youth leader Manish Mishra caught in India, Nepal and China, saying the handover. He will continue to visit Nepal and India, the struggle between the young leaders the need of exchange.
India's opposition party, the Indian Congress youth leader Nadeem Jawed help with a difficult situation in Nepal, India's biggest first move is forward said. The program, formerly known as the Chinese influence in Nepal, India, young leaders had expressed their concern.
India has some of the program, young leaders, China to stop the cooperation, including whether there was no ganae. The program of the Indian People's Party, a young leader of India during the immediate support of earthquake Gun year to support materials on time to take effect, China minors were given detention. Nepal and India's historical relationship with another third party should not come even said it was tight.

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