Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority

KATHMANDU: The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority sus@pended the Chief Commissioner Lokman Karki, control of corruption, said the campaign will continue till he dove accused claimed that they will fail.
After he failed to charges of corruption, including covering the rest of the leaders have warned that in spite of. Susp@ended Chief Commissioner Karki corruption on Thursday in a statement that he has faced obstacles and vyavadhanale made himself more firmly claimed.
'The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority's efforts as head of the control of corruption are delivered as a Nepali citizen alert if anti-corruption campaign will start my natural action, "the statement said finally," and then explain how the body is dressed in the same time the picture.'
He always stick to the statement that he is their responsibility to fulfill the responsibility to have committed the padlocking. Major Karki authority suspe@nded over the head of his role samhaleyata active, strong, fair and transparent, making the direction and focus of the depths of corruption is ubiquitous due to fearlessly stood for sanitation campaign also claimed to have broken.
He claimed that the people who want to open all the facts, and the country now want to present the whole story at an appropriate time, even nahicakicaune said. 'I am this moment many factual secrets pokaharu open do not want to, but the people wanted, the country granted the appropriate time, all the facts details to present, I hesitate not, "the statement said," The law is responsible to make bokekaharule your duty, they serve punishment should be, and control of corruption and a person charged with the responsibility to promote good governance for action to control corruption insulted and neglected should have said calekai moral several limitations may cracking. '
Lokman seven questions:
1. Grsmayamama provide coolness notable trees to be thrown phedaidekhi, dark, lit by the light sprout and flower charebapata diyole care / maintenance and conservation of what would come after intense state of Mali, beaten, hopeless?

2. Strengthening the rule of law making, people-oriented, good governance and clean administration to make avenues, bringing about positive change in people's lives rich nations to fulfill their commitments to build the political level that we have taken authority as the head of a defect in deciding backing them?

3. To bring billions of rupees in the name of non-governmental organizations and the corresponding cash fraudulent way to derail the unity between the people and the state to challenge the strength of the research and taken action to bring dineharulai how my error?

4. Gaihrakanunirupale native earned money and foreign bank deposits in foreign investment in the kingdom kanunaviparita common action and begin the process razed by mistake I done?

5. Faith and trust that people tried to awaken my fault?

6. Upper level of authority to control corruption, including activate my fault?

7. I intervene in the appointment of ministers, I that? Judge, secretary, president, general manager, operator or government positions should be appointed to select their one said or that I started to appoint itself? Or parallel administrative structures, I stand?

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